This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.
(1) Tariq Bontekoe, University of Groningen;
(2) Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Groningen;
(3) Fatih Turkmen, University of Groningen.
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Zero-knowledge proofs and verifiable computing
Privacy-preserving computations
Requirements: an application’s perspective
Verifiable, privacy-preserving computing
Open challenges and future directions
8. Conclusion
We presented a systematic overview of solutions for verifiable privacy-preserving computations, applicable to scenarios with distributed data. Specific attention was paid to solutions that offer the stronger notion of public verifiability.
First, we established the relevant background knowledge on decentralized computations, verifiable computing and ZKPs. This was followed by a summary of predominant approaches in privacy-preserving computations: MPC and HE, and a discussion of the need for verifiability. Second, we analyzed the use of verifiable PETs in different application domains, and discussed the required properties.
Third, a systematic overview on existing solutions for verifiable privacy-preserving computations for (distributed) private data was given. Solutions were categorized based on the underlying PET and verifiability approach that was used. Moreover, we compared the solution approaches based on efficiency and the earlier identified properties.
Based on our analysis, we note a number of challenges and open research questions. First, we recommend to investigate the combination of verifiability with input authentication and/or reusability, to improve security and efficiency in practice, where data is not simply a oneuse object. Also, we see a need to design post-quantum secure schemes and derive efficient public verifiability from standard assumptions. Finally, we see a lack of efficient publicly verifiable HE schemes, whereas HE itself is already in the first stages of practical adoption.
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